This is a sample to use JAAS authentication with a windows active directory server. I use a Sun Java System Application Server, so the steps with other servers could be different.
Step 1: Defining LDAP realm
In this example you must define a LDAP realm named «ads-realm» with the following parameters:
Realm class:
directory = ldap:// base-dn = DC=ads,DC=domain,DC=com search-bind-dn = user search-bind-password = password search-filter = (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s)) group-search-filter = (&(objectClass=group)(member=%d)) jaas-context = ldapRealm
You must change directory, base-dn, search-bind-dn and search-bind-password to your active directory configuration. The «search-bind-dn» and «search-bind-password» parameters are needed, because with default settings active directory doesn’t allow anonymous users to browse the directory.
Step 2: Setting the following JVM Switch for refferals
The following JVM switch is needed with active directory LDAP servers:
Add this switch to your server startup script or with the admin console.
Step 3a: Basic authentication
Add the following section to your web.xml or go to Step 3b for form
based authentication.
BASIC ads-realm
Step 3b: Form based authentication
Add the following section to your web.xml:
FORM ads-realm /login.html /login.html
Create the page /login.html with a least the following code:
Step 4: Adding security role to web.xml
Add at least one security role to your web.xml, in this example «userRole».
Step 5: Adding security constraint to web.xml
Now we must create a security constraint and the path to the pages we want to allow only authenticated access. In this sample the access to the folder /pages/ is resticted to authenticated users in role «userRole».
SecurityConstraint SecuredFolder /pages/* userRole NONE
Step 6: Create role mapping between active directory group and role
Role mappings are defined in sun-web.xml for the Sun Java System Application Server, so add the following section:
userRole users
This maps the active directory group «users» to our role «userRole»,
so only users in the group «users» can access our secured folder.