ICEFaces installation for NetBeans IDE

ICEFaces is a Java Server Faces component library. To integrate ICEFaces into the NetBeans IDE and the Visual Web Pack the following steps are necessary.

Download of ICEFaces components

The following downloads from the ICEFaces website are needed:


Installation of ICEFaces runtime library

Unpack the file and import the included com-icesoft-ide-netbeans-libs-module.nbm module with the NetBeans Update Manager.

Installation of ICEFaces IDE integration

Unpack the file and install the module com-icesoft-faces-vwp-ide.nbm. This module must also be installed with the NetBeans Update Manager.

Installation of ICEFaces component library

Unpack file icefaces-webui.complib from and copy it to your /rave2.0/samples folder.

Import the component library with the Component Library Manager under «Tools->Component Library Manager» into your IDE.

Use of ICEFaces components in a Visual Web Pack project

To use the ICEFaces components in a Visual Web Pack application you must add the ICEFaces Component Suite to your project.